BC Hydro
Education | Strategy | Experiential
Power Smart.
It’s not often a client wants you to tell customers to use less of their product. But our partners at BC Hydro have done just that for the past ten years. Tell British Columbians (a province where many people have unique power demands) to use less energy by getting them to understand the importance of conservation. Say watt?
We launched Team Power Smart, an educational and engaging energy program designed to help lead the people of BC towards a brighter, more sustainable future. From Power Smart condos with live-in actors to EV road trip challenges to school programs, trade shows and booths at the PNE Winter Fair, we educated people on the tricky-to-grasp environmental impact of their energy usage. Ten years on and it’s a campaign and partnership proving to be more efficient than ever.
Impact: Producing nothing, while achieving everything.
Smak never ceases to impress me with the
level of detail that is put into our campaign plans.
Chelsea Dunn | Campaign Planning Manager | BC Hydro